It is important that you take the time to read the relevant T&Cs that apply to your booking.
Please do get in touch via the contact form link if you have any questions or would like to proceed forward with securing your booking.
Please be sure you understand our booking policy before securing a date or service with Kids Fun Club Entertainment. Direct any questions or queries to
Our booking policy applies to all our services at Kids Fun Club.
To secure your chosen service, time and date we do require a booking fee of £50.00.
Your invoice will indicate the booking details and provide payment information to secure your booking.
Once the booking fee is received your date & time will be secured. You will be sent an updated invoice detailing the outstanding balance and due date.
Upon paying the booking fee you are agreeing to the following:
Please Note: Your chosen date & time is NOT secured until the booking fee has been received. We reserve the right to release your chosen date & time after the initial 48 hours reservation period. Failure to pay the booking fee within 48 hours will result in a void invoice.
* Late payment fee of £25.00 will be added to the outstanding balance on your invoice. Failure to pay the late payment fee will result in a cancellation.
Booking fee's are an admin service charge therefore are non-refundable.
** If a cash-upon-arrival agreement has been made please ensure the correct amount is handed to the lead entertainer upon arrival. Failure to do so will result in the booking being cancelled on the spot and an insurance claim will be made against you to collect the agreed sum plus the Late Fee charge.
We always recommend contactless payments prior to the event for our own security but also your own.
We hold the right to cancel a reservation at anytime if the booking has not been secured and/or the correct booking process has not been followed.
We understand unfortunate events occur which may result in your booking being postponed or cancelled; whether it's the weather, illness, lack of ticket sales or a family emergency. Please do make us aware immediately so we can attempt to offer the date or event to another customer or venue.
Please be sure you understand our cancellation policy before securing a booking. Do direct any questions or queries to
If you cancel before the outstanding balance is due to be paid:
If you cancel/postpone within 7 days of your booked date:
The chances of Kids Fun Club Entertainment cancelling your booking is very unlikely, thankfully we have team members available to cover sickness & emergencies; however in the unforseen circumstance that we must cancel due to illness, injury or an emergency you will be offered the chance to rebook within a 12 month period or receive a full refund within 7 days of the cancellation.
Kids Fun Club Entertainment reserve the right to cancel a booking at anytime without refunds or compensation if we experience any abusive behaviour or safety risks to our team and/or the public; before or during the event.
Please refer to our seperate page dedicated to our Covid-19 policy in regards to cancellations due to Coronavirus.
All payments are to be paid in full at the time of booking.
Payments are a non-refundable booking fee so please be sure you are happy with your chosen date and timeslot before securing your booking.
To begin the booking process we kindly ask that you complete the North Pole enquiry form found via The North Pole link below.
By completing the form you are confirming you have read, understood and agreed to our Santa Visit terms & conditions and are happy to proceed forward with securing your reservation.
Once your form has reached the desk of Mrs Claus you will receive an invoice detailing your booking terms, details and payment information.
Please allow 48 hours to receive your invoice.
All payments are to be paid contactless via BACS (bank transfer) only. We do not accept cash payments.
Please note: Your chosen service, date & time is NOT secured until the outstanding balance is paid in full.
Video messages will be filmed during the first week of December. You will receive your Christmas Eve video message on or before Friday 14th December.
Videos can be sent via
The video message is approximately 1-2 minutes including the intro & outro.
Due to video messages being personalised and tailored to each family we can not offer a refund for this service.
Though we do our best to keep to the booked timeslots sometimes there will be one or 2 incidents or overlaps that cause a delay between visits this can be something unforseen (and unavoidable) such as road works/traffic/road closure, or it could be something as wonderful (and also as equally unavoidable) as a child telling us just 'one more last thing' for the 10th time as we say goodbye at the door.
When you book a visit you can expect us to arrive on or around your booked time; we may be upto 1 hour delayed or we could even arrive 30 minutes earlier so please do be prepared to experience your visit a little earlier or later than the booked time however we always do our best to stick to our timeslots the best we can.
As stated above Mrs Claus will do her best to visit your home for the time booked but do be prepared for an earlier arrival or possible sleigh-delay!
For those who have booked our magical Mrs Claus Home Visits in the past you will be aware of the routine; for those who need a reminder or do not know please read below.
Rudolph's Reminder:
First of all, Mrs Claus can provide the visit experience on your doorstep or in the comfort of your own home. Please be aware if the weather is not suitable the visit will have to take place indoors. If you would like to invite Mrs Claus inside she may have muddy boots! It ruins the illusion of the character if she is required to take off her boots or use plastic coverings. Please do throw down an old rug or mats if needed. Mrs Claus will do her best to have clean footwear!
Mrs Claus is Mrs Claus, or Carol Claus, but never Kelly!
We want to ensure the experience is magical & believable beginning to end so it is important to keep the character names.
Mrs Claus can make a little mess during the magic routine. Mrs Claus likes to bring a little bit of the North Pole into your home and she likes to leave it there for you to enjoy. It's a magical part of the visit and can not be taken from the routine; please do not book this visit if you do not like your hoover or you have OCD! The magic routine is what sets us apart from all other Santa & Mrs Claus performers, it is not an option to remove this from our routine because your children will remember the magic more than anything else!
Time is limited. Mrs Claus has developed a routine where she can deliver a magical experience within 15 minutes - do keep in mind she must keep within a timeframe. Trust me when I tell you that Mrs Claus absolutely loves the house tours or/and waiting for grandma to arrive but sadly she wont have time for the un-planned this year.
Mrs Claus will be leaving Rudolph and the sleigh at the North Pole; if you wish for children to avoid seeing Mrs Claus climbing in a Honda we recommend a grown up sees her out while children remain indoors.
As stated above we will do our best to visit your home for the time booked but do be prepared for our arrival on or around your booked time.
For those who have booked our magical home visits in the past you will be aware of our routine; for those who need a reminder or do not know please read below.
Rudolph's Reminder:
Heres a few things to keep in mind...
First of all we may have muddy boots! It ruins the illusion of the characters if we take our boots off or use plastic coverings. Please do throw down an old rug or mats if needed.
Please only refer to us as Santa/Santa Claus or Mrs Claus ... we are not Kelly or Ben at all during anytime of your visit; we will remain in character throughout.
Mrs Claus makes a mess! During the magic routine Mrs Claus likes to bring a little bit of the North Pole into your home and she likes to leave it there for you to enjoy. It's a magical part of the visit and can not be taken from our routine; please do not book our visit if you do not like your hoover or you have OCD.
Our time is limited - we have developed a routine where we can deliver a magical experience within 15 minutes - do keep in mind we must keep within a timeframe. We absolutely love the house tours or waiting for grandma to arrive but sadly we wont have time for the un-planned this year.
We will be leaving Rudolph and the sleigh at the North Pole; if you wish for children to avoid seeing Mrs Claus chauffeuring Santa in a Honda we recommend a grown up sees us out while children remain indoors.
The gift from Santa depends on the age of the children and our stock of goodies from the grotto.
Children aged 4 years+ will receive a mason jar or themed cup filled with packaged yummy goodies.
Toddlers and babies 3 years and below will receive a soft toy or Santa Goody Sleigh.
We do politely ask to be made aware of any allergies or health requirements in advance to your booked event so we can be sure to bring along a suitable alternative.
We do not hand out or offer any form of lollipops.
Below are the consumables we provide in the gifts:
Mason Jars & Cups
Santa's Goody Sleigh
Each Sleigh is built with a selection of individually wrapped chocolate treats plus:
In accordance with Natasha's Law we do keep records of the pre-packaged ingredients. Please do send a request with your booking reference to to view these prior to your visit if required.
Please note the treats received in the gifts may not be dairy, nut or gluten free, most are not suitable for vegans.
If you prefer to provide your own gift for Santa to present during the visit we do indeed welcome this gesture but do not offer any fee discount if you wish to do so.
There are no gifts given during Mrs Claus Home Visits or Video Messages.
If you cancel your booking:
As stated above, due to the admin preparations, the personalised details amd gifts ordered, all payments are non-refundable. Please do inform us as soon as possible if you need to cancel your booking.
Unfortunately we will not be able to re-book you a new timeslot for this year's home visits.
If we cancel your booking:
In the unfortunate circumstance where we may have to cancel your booking you will be informed immediately and issued a full refund.
As stated above we do require a booking fee of £50.00 to secure your chosen service, time and date.
Booking fee's are a non-refundable administration service charge.
To begin the booking process we kindly ask that you complete the relevant contact form found on the bottom of each service page.
Once we have received your completed enquiry form we will check our availability and send you the recommended options for your occasion along with a customised quote.
Once you have confirmed you are happy to proceed forward with securing your booking you will receive an invoice detailing your booking terms, details and payment information.
All payments are to be paid contactless via BACS (bank transfer) only. We do not accept cash payments.
Please note: Your chosen service, date & time is NOT secured until the booking fee is received.
It is essential that your venue is suitable for the event entertainment you wish to book.
We do supply the PA Music system, Disco lights and Wireless Microphones to fulfill the duration of the booking however as this equipment is large & loud it needs a power supply - it is important for our safety and yours that we are situated on a stage or safe space close to a power socket that doesn't require extensions across the public space. It is also essential that we have parking as close to the venue as possible.
If you are hosting your celebration at your home or on private land our policy still remains the same, no exceptions.
Outdoor events must be on a raised sheltered stage with an internal power source. We recommend you send photos of the allocated outdoor space for us to approve before you secure your booking.
It is our priority to deliver a high quality, professional and safe service at all times.
We have the rights to cancel a booking and leave the premises if the allocated space is not situated close to a power source and/or we are putting the safety of ourselves, you, your guests and/or members of the public at risk. Please refer to the cancellation policy above.
At Kids Fun Club Entertainment we like to ensure each child guest receives at least 1 sweet, treat or prize during our games & competitions. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure their child's health & safety requirements are regarded at all times during the entertainment programme.
We do politely ask to be made aware of any allergies or health requirements in advance to your booked event so we can be sure to bring along a suitable alternative.
We do not hand out or offer any form of lollipops.
The consumables we provide are in original sealed packaging direct from the retailer; this includes but is not limited to:
In accordance with Natasha's Law we do keep records of the pre-packaged ingredients for you to check onsite.
Please note not all sweets are dairy, nut or gluten free, most are not suitable for vegans.
If you prefer to provide your own sweets and prizes to hand out during our entertainment programme we do indeed welcome this gesture but do not offer any fee discount if you wish to do so.
It is the sole responsibility of the event organiser and/or venue manager to ensure the safety and security of members of the public at all times.
Though we will complete our own risk assessment prior to the event start time to elimate any potential harm for our entertainers, we do not take responsibility for the following:
Please remember when you book a public event entertainment service with Kids Fun Club Entertainment you are hiring us to deliver traditional family fun through a variety of entertainments & activities. We are not responsible for the management of your event, staff, customers, guests or audience.
It is the sole responsibility of the event organiser to ensure they provide a safe, secure and spacious space to invite guests to their special occasion.
Though we do our upmost best to create the perfect party plan prior to your big day, we do not take responsibility for the following:
Please remember when you book a private event entertainment service with Kids Fun Club Entertainment you are hiring us to deliver childrens traditional party fun through a variety of entertainments & activities. We are not responsible for the management of your event.
It is essential that children are not left unattended at anytime.
If you book a public event with us we will design and create a CUSTOM promotional poster to advertise your event online and around your venue.
This bonus service is FREE of charge! Not only does our promo artwork help you get the word out but it also helps our 3000+ followers know when & where to find us next!
We send a proof copy for you to request edits before sending a final HQ printable and online version of the promotional poster for you to share around your establishment and the world wide web!
If you, your venue or event manager requires proof of either documentation this must be requested in writing via email to no later than 21 days prior to your booking.
You can find more details on our superstar staff right now!
Due to the increase in fuel prices we sadly have no option other than to introduce a Travel Fee to contribute towards fuel costs and travel expenses. The Travel Fee will be calculated at 40p per mile and will be included in the overall outstanding balance on your invoice.
This will come into effect for all new bookings on 1st JANUARY 2024.
All our senior staff & activity assistants are paediatric first aid trained & certified by Manchester First Aid Training.
If any accidents, injuries or emergencies should occur you will be notified immediately before the situation has been assessed and actioned accordingly.
Minor accidents & injuries may be actioned with the use of an on-site first aid kit.
Serious accidents or emergencies can result in the appropriate action of alerting the emergency services.
We do not administer any medication this includes calpol or allergy relief even with parental permission.
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation and guidance that seeks to protect children in England.
As childrens entertainers & childcare providers we have a duty of care to report any allegations or signs of abuse to the relevant authorities.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
Kids Fun Club Entertainment's appointed DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is Mrs. Kelly Taylor - 07369 200 105
Any signs or allegations of abuse must be reported to Wakefield District Safeguarding Children's Board - 0345 8 503 503
In extreme circumstances where we feel the child/ren may be at further risk we will excercise our right to make an official report to the local authorities including Police & Social services, NSPCC and/or OFSTED.
NSPCC Helpline - 0808 800 5000
OFSTED - 0300 123 4666
We are committed to reviewing our Safeguarding Policy and good practice every 12 months.
ALL staff are DBS Certified, Paediatric first aid trained, Experienced and Safeguarding certified.
Please click the link to find more details about our team and credentials.
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